Each time you wear it, you will remember how you plucked it from obscurity…
Our Target
Each year we aim to raise £60,000 to support the services of Camphill Wellbeing Trust.
Welcome to The Blue Door
The Blue Door Charity Shop is a fundraising project of CWT. Located on North Deeside Road, Bieldside, Aberdeen, the shop carries an extensive stock of donated items attracting a wide range of local customers.
Due to support from generous donors, regular customers and wonderful volunteers, the shop consistently raises significant funds for CWT each year.
Support Camphill Wellbeing Trust by donating unwanted goods and volunteering at the charity shop.
Goods we accept
Items can be dropped at the charity shop
Wednesday – Friday, 10am – 1pm [reduced hours during Covid]
- jewellery
- bric-a-brac
- textiles & linen (clothes, bags, belts, shoes)
- toys
- books
- DVDs / CDs / computer games
Goods we can recycle
We are also able to recycle the following items:
- broken jewellery
- old / foreign currency
- mobile phones
- textiles (clothes, bags, belts, shoes)
- old books
Goods we cannot accept
Please note that we are not able to accept the following goods:
- electrical items
- video tapes
- health / safety items e.g. child car seats, bike helmets etc
Support CWT and the Blue Door by volunteering a few hours of your time. To find out more, visit our Volunteer page
Contact details
The Blue Door Charity Shop, 57-59 North Deeside Road,
Bieldside, Aberdeen, AB15 9DB
Web: www.camphillwellbeing.org.uk
} Open: Wednesday – Friday: 10am – 4pm
Our loyal group of volunteers are vital to the smooth running of our charity shop.
“Our volunteers work hard to ensure that prices are reasonable and the quality is good. Keen prices mean that we turn stock around quickly, which means we are always on the lookout for more.“
– Pamela McBain, Charity Shop Manager